Explore options and possibilities with WorkBC. Learn how to prepare for school, find a job or start a business.
Learn more about Indigenous Economic Development strategies and initiatives.
WorkBC Employment Services are available in a safe offsite location for survivors of violence and abuse.
New to the Cowichan Valley? Learn about your new home through the following links:
Ask a WorkBC staff member in Duncan or Ladysmith for help in adjusting to your new community. Find out about program eligibility and locations.
Learn how WorkBC Duncan or Ladysmith can support your needs. Explore the following links:
For people with disabilities, a great resource is Cowichan Valley Independent Living Resource Centre. You can book an appointment to get assistance with the Persons with Disabilities government application form.
The Bladerunners Program for Youth at Risk is offered throughout BC. Vancouver Island locations are available from Victoria to Courtney through the following programs:
Cowichan Valley Youth Services has an employment program for youth called YEMP (Youth Employment Mentorship Program).
You my have many reasons to look for employment at this stage in life. Look at theses tips to get started. Come in and visit WorkBC Duncan or Ladysmith for more guidance on your path to new employment.
Browse through these other sources of information: